Can You Feel The Pumpkin Spice Fla­vor Yet?

Can You Feel The Pumpkin Spice Fla­vor Yet?

Hel­lo Sep­tember and good­bye Au­gust! With hap­pi­ness and a less sweaty face, we can say that Au­gust was a mas­sive month for us. From cel­e­brat­ing a big fol­low­ing mile­stone to cel­e­brat­ing the 80s in a very El Paso-an fash­ion. Au­gust, you were hot stuff, un­doubt­ed­ly!

Fall is of­fi­cial­ly 3 and half weeks from now but, oh, how Star­bucks has re­mind­ed us that it is nev­er too ear­ly in the year to get in sea­son­al spir­its with some pump­kin spice EVERY­THING. To wel­come this new month in, we have pre­pared a list of events that will be hap­pen­ing through­out our beloved city. Tune in to the magic El Paso of­fers!

Ready for some 90s nos­tal­gia? With his wit and orig­i­nal open­ing mono­logues, El
Paso wel­comes Adam Ra­mones with his Cha­voru­cos Tour this Sep­tember 3rd at 9:00 pm in no place else but in El Paso’s Plaza The­ater. Not ready to re­mem­ber the glo­ry of the 90s? How about a mu­si­cal out­ing to catch no oth­er than Latin Amer­i­ca's 2000s heart­throb, Beto Cuevas, and his be­witch­ing stare? Beto Cuevas will be mak­ing an ap-
pear­ance at 9:30 pm at the Abra­ham Chavez The­ater on Sep­tember 3rd as well.

It wouldn’t be a his­pan­ic town with­out some vin­tage and clas­sic Latin Amer­i­can
artists. Ask mom or dad if they are in­ter­est­ed in see­ing Aman­da Miguel & Ana Vic­to­ria Verda­guer live on their Siem­pre Te Amare tour, hap­pen­ing on Sep­tember 16th at 8:30 at the Plaza The­ater in down­town El Paso.

Bil­ly the Kid Break­out Show hap­pens Sep­tember 18th at 1 p.m. at the Old El Paso Coun­ty Jail Mu­se­um. Ad­mis­sion is free and just in case 1 p.m. is not a doable time, this great artis­tic team will be per­form­ing a sec­ond show at 3 pm.
End­ing on a great note, as com­ment­ed by MTV’s ear­ly 2000s hosts, we wel­come In­ter­pol to the Sun City. With 20 years un­der their belt with noth­ing but in­die post punk jams. These folks will be giv­ing one hell of a show on Sep­tember 11 at the Plaza The­ater. If you haven’t bought your tick­ets yet, HUR­RY, there’s still a few left at Tick­et-mas­ter.

We can’t wait to what good­ies and new items our ven­dors will bring to our mar­ket this fall. We in­vite you to check us out Every Sun­day at the Hob­by Lob­by park­ing lot on the west side of El Paso.


  • Todd Weathers

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  • MaxKier

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  • MaxKier

    How Do l Get My Money From Amazon Lost Recovery masters

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  • Juliet Harald

    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Juliet Harald, and I’m from New Hampshire, I lost access to my crypto wallet when I mistakenly deleted the Seed Phrase to my wallet, and I couldn’t access my crypto wallet for weeks. It all became weird when I started getting emails of funds being transferred out of my crypto wallet. I saw $650K withdrawn from my account in a day and I was devastated, it felt like my world was coming down on me. I was torn apart and was in a debt crisis until a colleague of mine told me about Morphohack Cyber Service, a data and crypto wallet recovery service. I sent an email to ( and the team responded immediately, providing me with support and assistance. I couldn’t believe it when Morphohack Cyber Service was able to trace and retrieve my crypto wallet, tracing all the funds that were withdrawn from my wallet, I’m hugely grateful for the services of Morphohack Cyber Service in helping me get back my crypto wallet and crypto funds. Their services were amazing and professional.
    Contact them via E-Mail(MORPHOHACK@CYBERSERVICES.COM) Whats-App(+1 213 672 4092)

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