This Sunday's Vendors

This Sunday's Vendors

Upper Valley Market Vendors
We are committed to bring you local. We are confident you will find items you love, locally made. Here you will find El Paso's best vendors and we are proud to present to you quality handmade items.
At Upper Valley Market, we consider each other family and take pride in our market culture. Our vendors have a wide variety of skill sets; from creative and imaginative visionaries to dynamic and forward-thinking innovators. When you come to our market, you’ll find talented, driven, friendly, and passionate vendors – ready to both teach and learn from you.
March 2nd Vendor List
Beauty From Ashes
Becky’s Collection
Big Sizzle Spiced Salt
BondFire Permanent Jewelry
Boots At Your Service
Buena Vida
Bumble Bags
Buzzbee Honey Co.
Crystal Lace
Cultura Candle Co.
Daizy Baby
Daydream Crochet
Deerfish Design
Desert Rose Coffee Truck
Dreadful Designs
El Paso's Main Squeeze
Find A Reason To Smile
Gabriela’s M Jewelry
Handart Decor
Heathers1hand Painted
Heavenly Slices Wood Fired Pizza Truck
Hell Paso Sauces
High Desert Apothecary
Isabel Q & Co
J&M Creations of El Paso
J3LM Creations
Je’Belle Sheek
JJ Premium Carne Seca
Kitty Kat Meow
Korimex Studio
Kraving Sweets
La Vaquita Crochet
Legitly Nifty Things
Lisa Marie Crafts by Lisa Elizondo
Lost In El Paso
Lugarda Art
Mad House
Mania Roasted Corn
Maria Bracelets
Mexican Delicious
Mexico City Tacos Food Truck
Momo’s Creamery
Mother Earth
Muchas Flores Studio
Munchi Spicy Gummies
Mushrooms Delarm
Nadine‘s German Backstübla
New Mexico Desert Farm
Nursy Little Things
Octaviana Leather
Ofen & Tassen
Paw Bakery
Peace of Time
Pretty Crochet
Ragin’ Cheesesteaks Food Truck
Raiz Bakery
Remix Cutlery
Salsas “Mi Alma”
Sew Stitchin' Cute
Signs of The Seasons
Smart Home ELP
Smokin Jax BBQ Food Truck
Sure-O Food Truck
Sweet Sam's Kettle Corn Food Truck
T & L Leather
Talamantes Farm Fresh Eggs
Taquizas Mi General Food Truck
The Hissin’ Kitten
The Link Bar
Track One Food Truck
Tumbler’s by Arcy
Up In Smoke BBQ Food Truck
Vino’s Fire Roasted Salsa
West El Paso Ink