Can You Feel The Pumpkin Spice Fla­vor Yet?

Can You Feel The Pumpkin Spice Fla­vor Yet?

Hel­lo Sep­tember and good­bye Au­gust! With hap­pi­ness and a less sweaty face, we can say that Au­gust was a mas­sive month for us. From cel­e­brat­ing a big fol­low­ing mile­stone to cel­e­brat­ing the 80s in a very El Paso-an fash­ion. Au­gust, you were hot stuff, un­doubt­ed­ly!

Fall is of­fi­cial­ly 3 and half weeks from now but, oh, how Star­bucks has re­mind­ed us that it is nev­er too ear­ly in the year to get in sea­son­al spir­its with some pump­kin spice EVERY­THING. To wel­come this new month in, we have pre­pared a list of events that will be hap­pen­ing through­out our beloved city. Tune in to the magic El Paso of­fers!

Ready for some 90s nos­tal­gia? With his wit and orig­i­nal open­ing mono­logues, El
Paso wel­comes Adam Ra­mones with his Cha­voru­cos Tour this Sep­tember 3rd at 9:00 pm in no place else but in El Paso’s Plaza The­ater. Not ready to re­mem­ber the glo­ry of the 90s? How about a mu­si­cal out­ing to catch no oth­er than Latin Amer­i­ca's 2000s heart­throb, Beto Cuevas, and his be­witch­ing stare? Beto Cuevas will be mak­ing an ap-
pear­ance at 9:30 pm at the Abra­ham Chavez The­ater on Sep­tember 3rd as well.

It wouldn’t be a his­pan­ic town with­out some vin­tage and clas­sic Latin Amer­i­can
artists. Ask mom or dad if they are in­ter­est­ed in see­ing Aman­da Miguel & Ana Vic­to­ria Verda­guer live on their Siem­pre Te Amare tour, hap­pen­ing on Sep­tember 16th at 8:30 at the Plaza The­ater in down­town El Paso.

Bil­ly the Kid Break­out Show hap­pens Sep­tember 18th at 1 p.m. at the Old El Paso Coun­ty Jail Mu­se­um. Ad­mis­sion is free and just in case 1 p.m. is not a doable time, this great artis­tic team will be per­form­ing a sec­ond show at 3 pm.
End­ing on a great note, as com­ment­ed by MTV’s ear­ly 2000s hosts, we wel­come In­ter­pol to the Sun City. With 20 years un­der their belt with noth­ing but in­die post punk jams. These folks will be giv­ing one hell of a show on Sep­tember 11 at the Plaza The­ater. If you haven’t bought your tick­ets yet, HUR­RY, there’s still a few left at Tick­et-mas­ter.

We can’t wait to what good­ies and new items our ven­dors will bring to our mar­ket this fall. We in­vite you to check us out Every Sun­day at the Hob­by Lob­by park­ing lot on the west side of El Paso.


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