5 Love Languages at the Market
If you are reading this, you have probably heard of Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages. Chapman describes the five languages as follows 1) Words of Affirmation 2) Physical Touch 3) Receiving Gifts 4) Quality Time 5) Acts of Service. Love surrounds us and how we experience it depends on your unique way of feeling love. The first love most of us experience is the love from our caregivers. What did they do to show you they loved you? How does that impact how you express and experience love? Knowing your own love language is one of the most important things you can know about yourself. You will then know exactly what you need to keep your cup filled. I’m not saying this so that you demand or expect others to express love to you in the way that fills you but knowing this will help you take care of yourself. Self-care looks different for everyone because it depends on your own love language. Someone’s self-love may be booking a body massage (physical touch) while another person’s self-love may be sitting in silence on a porch (quality time). Remember to take care of yourself to be the best for your partner, parents, children, coworkers or friends. Take a look at how you can express and experience the 5 Love Languages at the market through the products and services of local vendors:
1. Words of Affirmation: You thrive on spoken or written encouragement.
- Sunflower Crafts IG: @sun_flowercrafts
- Maridoodle IG: @maridoodle
- The Letter Co. IG: @the_letter_co
- Inkspressurself IG: @inkspressurself
- Beans Bounties IG: @beansbounties
- Loving Your Home Space IG: @loving_your_home_space
- Vida Health and Beauty IG: @vida_health_and_beauty
- Elia’s Natural Products IG: IG @elianaturalproducts
- Amour De Sol IG: @amourdesoigems
- Metztli Flowers IG: @metztli_flowers_
- De Colores Designs IG: @de_colores_designs
- Natis Jewelry IG: @natisjewelry
- I Sew Things IG: @i.sew.things
- Designs by Alison IG: @designsbyalison_
- Faabs’ Style Boutique IG: @faabstyleboutique
- El Viejon Ranch Style Jerky IG: @elviejonbeefjerky
- Simply by Michaela IG: @simplybymichaela
- Native Spirit Good Heart Beadwork IG: @nativespiritgoodheart
- Relentless Beauty IG: @charlize26
- Worthington Farm LLC IG: @worthingtonpecanfarm
- Kendra Scott IG: @kendrascott
- Dreadful Designs IG: @dreadfuldesgnsep
- Chocolateology Sweets IG: @chocolateology.ep
- Jenny From the Barrio IG: @jennyfromthebarrio
- Creating and Giving IG: @creatingandgiving
- New Mexico Desert Farm IG: @newmexicodesertf
- Sun City Closet IG: @suncitycloset
- Iron Pig Market IG: @ironpigmarket
- The Craft Chat IG: @thecraftchat
- El Paso Freeze Dried Food Co. IG: @epfreezedried
- Made For You IG: @oficial_madeforyou
- Southern Boho IG: @southernbohomx
- Liberty Rings by Erich IG: @liberty.rings
- Pecaditos TX IG: @pecaditostx
- Healing Ways Artistry IG: @healingwaysartistry
- Mendoza Mercantile IG: @mendozamercantile
- M&M Boutique IG: @mymbowtique
- Mani Artisanal Embroidery IG: @maniartisanal
- Daisy and Me Farms IG: @daisyandmefarms
- Piko By Marina IG: @pikobymarina
- The Plant Place IG: @theplantplaceep
- Zebra Gems IG: @zebragems
- Daydream Crochet IG: @daydreamcrochetco
- Just Charmed IG: @justcharmed915
- T & A Woodcraftsb IG: @tandawoodcrafts
- Sandcarving by C Creations IG: @sandcarvingbycreations
- Pawpy Love IG: @pawpylove_
- Honeybun Scrunchies IG: @honeybun_scrunchies
- Yajua Candies Manufacturer Inc. IG: @yajuacandies
- Mini Bundts IG: @minobundts
- Rogue Handcrafts IG: @rogue_handcrafts
- Vandy Doodle IG: @vandydoodle
- Beeztreats IG: @beeztreats
- Impression by Lile IG: @impressionbylile
- T and L Leather IG: @tandlleather
- Create by Adriana IG: @create_by_adriana
- Petiss_creations IG: @petiss_creations
- Nadine’s German Backstubla @nadines_geran_backstuebla
- Casa Forja IG: @casa.forja
- Fox and Wolf Scents IG: @foxandwolfscents
- HerbAroma Co. IG: @herbamaco
- Pyramid Queen & Co IG: @pyramidqueenco
- Vida Aum IG: @vida_aum
- Blue Tide Organics IG: @bluetidecbd
- Fraiche & Doux Body Works IG: @fraicheanddoux
- Thirstyaf915 IG:@thirstyaf915
- Maui Wowi IG: @mauiwowielpaso
- Smash n Roll IG: @samshnrollep
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